To check, we looked at multiple official-display bags and found out that this is not true. Lining Authenticating the Gucci lining can be very tricky. Gucci uses the finest materials: leather, suede, patent leather, and nylon, to construct their quality handbags. I am interested in selling the jacket if you also know of an avenue I could do that. In some of the newer Gucci bags, you may also notice engraved Gucci logos on the underside of the zipper. Gucci Clutch Vintage Accessory Collection Gg Supreme Coated Canvas Brown Weekend/Travel Bag If the thread does not match the material, you probably have a fake. What a sad thing it is to love Gucci handbags so much and not be able to tell the difference between a faux Gucci handbag and genuine luxury handbags.
#Gucci serial number 89 02 017 serial number
When buying a luxury handbag online you can use a Gucci serial number lookup to make sure it's not a fake. No Serial Number The beauty of a genuine Gucci bag includes your personal style and of course if you did not already know a serial number. Did you buy this from Japan yourself, or a seller claiming it was bought from Japan? Dust Bags New handbags of Gucci come in a dust bag that is either black or brown or both in color, with Gucci written on it. The front has a Gold and Silver tone Double G oval. This is a telltale sign of a real Gucci purse.įor more articles like this make sure to. The top row signifies the style number corresponding to the bag and the lower row stands for the supplier code.
Please Help Me Authenticate This! Examine the Sales Receipt If there are no closeup pictures, ask the seller for the original receipt. In newer Gucci bags, the serial number will be stacked one on top of the other, and there are also never letters.
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